wtorek, 20 września 2016



It should look like this!
Tak to powinno wyglądać!

The full English breakfast is a traditional meal which consists of bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, and baked beans. You should taste it, it's delicious.

Ingredients:                                                   Składniki:
  • 2 eggs                                                    2 jajka
  • tomato                                                  pomidor
  • 2 sausages                                              2 kiełbaski
  • baked beans                                           pieczona fasola w sosie pomidorowym
  • 2 strips of bacon                                     2 plasterki boczku
  • fried bread                                            2 tosty
  • mushrooms (if you like it)                        pieczarki (jeśli lubisz)

At first you have to boil the bean. Place the sausages in the pan with some vegetable oil. The same you have to do with the mushrooms. Next fry the bacon and eggs. After that prepare the bread (the best is baked). Finaly put the eggs on the bread next to fried bacon, tomatos and bean, add the sausages and the mushrooms. It looks like the sun in the garden. If you like, prepare a cup of tea or coffee and invite your friends to eat with you. Bon Appetit! 


Na początku podgrzej fasolkę. Kiełbaski usmaż na oleju roślinnym. To samo zrób z pieczarkami. Następnie usmaż boczek i jajka. Następnie przygotuj tosty. Na koniec połóż jajka na tostach, obok ułóż boczek, pomidory, fasolę, kiełbaski i pieczarki.

Our score: 4,4 / 5
Nasza ocena: 4,4 / 5
Difficulty: easy
Trudność: łatwe

Author: Bartek Gregorczyk VIc

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